Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hawai'i Hiking

The day after Thanksgiving Lyle and I went for a beautiful hike above the Pupukea Boy Scout Camp. It felt like we were on top of the world, or at least the top of Hawai'i! It is always hazy because of the high humidity so it's hard to see the ocean in this picture, but it is right there under the clouds! We were above the rain forest canopy and it was so impressive.

Sacrament Meetings in Kahuku, Hawai'i

Today we had a marvelous sacrament meeting again. Each week in the Kuhuku First Ward we can count on several things, the singing is great, (our music director sings at the PCC) the spirit is present, the bishop always counsels us, and we get out late! Everyone jokes about Aloha standard time, but don't believe them, meetings always start on time with most people in their seats early, but if our ward is typical, the standard time is that we always go over time! Today was no exception. We had three missionaries speak! One leaving, and two returning. New Elder Bridges was a big hawai'ian kid, who has been called to the Honolulu, HI Mission. Wouldn't that be a shock to be called to your home Island? He also could not believe that he had to lose weight to serve a mission, he's in great shape! The bishop took him to the Cross Country Track Coach at BYU-H and together they set up a training program. but after a while he hit a plateau and didn't lose any weight. Coach asked if he was eating right & exercising. Ya, he was. Then Coach suggested he turn to prayer. Cute Elder Bridges had prayed before, but never about something like dieting! But he sincerely prayed and with the Lords help met his goal and is now leaving on his mission. What a difference spiritually and physically two loving men in the Ward have made for this Elder! This is a pic of Elder Bridges after the ward members said their good-byes.

Pearl Harbor

Sat. 14 November 2009 Lyle & I took Grant to Pearl Harbor. A very solemn film preceded the ferry out to the Arizona Memorial. War is a horrific waste of everything I hold dear. I thank God my sons have not been called on to sacrifice their lives like thousands have before them. I could go on, but I will not do so here. We had fun touring the submarine docked on site. Grant would have never fit! We were impressed with all the engines and equipment on board, it must be deafening at all times in a sub. Grant is crouched next to just 1 of 4 diesel engines used to keep the generators (more noise) going. At least in the Moonlight Maid the engines/generators could be shut down at night! We did walk up to the Aloha Stadium to go to the Swap Meet, but there was a UH game that evening so no swap meet. We don't watch the News here, so who knew!